Demonstrations & Invisible Theatre

This style of work has proved very popular over the years. You may have a message you which to portray to you teams/students/public.

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Unique & Exciting Demonstrations

We can help you to design your demonstration whether that be the fire service wanting to show happens at a RTC and demonstrate them cutting a casualty out of a vehicles in a public setting or business wishing to demonstrate how their products work our team are able to assist as actors or presenters for this service.

Invisible is a popular form of research for your service or business we design a piece of theatre classed as invisible theatre which involves the message you wish to portray. For any one unfamiliar with invisible theatre, the actors will go out and create a scene within the location of your choice to audience of staff/students/public. No one will be made aware that the people involved are actors. Whilst the actors are performing on location and after they have left facilitators are able to gather people’s reaction to what the actors are trying to achieve, whether recorded/written/spoken. This then allows you to gather all your research and feedback from this quite unique service.



+44 (0) 7583 980234